
AI & Big Data

Phenikaa MaaS is proud to be a pioneer in the field of providing digital solutions that help optimize the management process with our exclusive AI algorithms and the ability to optimize the data analysis process.

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Phenikaa MassS develops AI and Big Data solutions to effectively support the traffic operation process of businesses.

Navigation Algorithm

The algorithm guides the driver to choose safe and time-saving journeys.

Face recognition algorithm

The algorithm allows face recognition and provides information such as gender, age, physical characteristics, ...

Algorithm to calculate vehicle time of arrival at stations

Algorithms support users to optimize journey plans and manage their time in the best way.

Why should you choose Phenikaa MaaS ?
AI & Big Data
Pioneer Unit

Phenikaa MaaS is proud to be one of the leaders in the wave of artificial intelligence applications to digitize management processes.

AI & Big Data
Proprietary Algorithm

Phenikaa MaaS algorithms are researched and built exclusively tocreate AI products with outstanding data analysis capabilities.

AI & Big Data
On-demand customization

Our solutions can be customized to provide the best solution for your business problem.

Our projects

AI & Big Data

Applying the bSmartETA algorithm and the ability to process big data from millions of users, BusMap has helped optimize the travel journey of residents in 5 major cities.

AI & Big Data
Phenikaa Inter-level High School

Integrating AI Face ID into IoT devices that support attendance based on Phenikaa MaaS's proprietary algorithm, helping to manage student attendance and transportation.

AI & Big Data

Integrating bSmartETA and bSmartNavigation algorithms into VinBus Core and bSmartLED device helps to accurately calculate the time the vehicle arrives at the station and optimize the travel journey.

Experience the services of Phenikaa Maas
Bring the tailored solutions for your business
